Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD)

Our Specific ESD consultancy services largely include computer modelling. 

Computer modelling allows us to undertake analysis and calculations that ensure optimum design solutions. Our modelling capabilities include:

  • Thermal performance and insulation modelling
  • Building orientation and solar shading features
  • Daylight harvesting
  • Energy-efficient lighting
  • Energy use modelling
  • Modelling internal space temperatures
  • CFD (computational fluid dynamics) modelling. 

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) 

Cosgroves have worked closely with EECA as approved energy consultants and can help our clients with EECA funded feasibility studies, design reviews and post-occupancy energy monitoring across New Zealand.


Cosgroves Specialist ESD Group 


The NABERSNZ rating scheme was implemented in 2015 and can be used to assess how well a building uses its energy. It uses a similar ‘star’ rating system to the Green Star system, ranging from 0-6 stars. It acts as a post-occupancy tool and aims to provide a ‘real world’ rating system.

Cosgroves have accredited staff who are able to provide feedback on the use of the NABERSNZ Rating process in order to achieve a certified rating for their clients.

Cosgroves have a team of New Zealand Green Building Council Green Star Accredited Professionals (GSAP) that possess the expertise to work on projects aiming for Green Star certification, ensuring high-quality submissions for the rating process. They facilitate a smooth, cost-effective, and rewarding assessment experience for everyone involved. Including a GSAP in the project team from the start earns an additional bonus point towards the Green Star score.


We also have a Homestar Assessor who has the skills to evaluate residential buildings to ensure they meet the standards of the Homestar rating system, focusing on energy efficiency, water usage, waste management, and sustainability. They provide guidance, compile reports, and assist in the certification process to help homes achieve their official Homestar rating.



The Team 

Alan Callery (NABERSNZ and GSAP)
Sustainability Lead - Christchurch

Anna Kosiel (NABERSNZ)
Mechanical / Hydraulic Engineering Leader - Christchurch 

Edward Hong (GSAP)
Mechanical / Hydraulic Senior Engineer -Auckland 

Gregor Moonen (Homestar Designer, Homestar V5 Assessor) 
Electrical Design Engineer- Christchurch

Jono Smith (GSAP)
Electrical  Engineering Leader - Wellington

Josh Solly  (GSAP)
Mechanical / Hydraulic Engineer- Christchurch 

Peter Affleck (NABERSNZ)
Wellington Regional Manager, Associate Mechanical Engineer - Wellington

Prashanth Sivasothy (GSAP)
Mechanical / Hydraulic Design Engineer - Auckland

Raghu Ande (Energy Modeller, Green Star Practitioner)
Sustainability Design Engineer - Christchurch